In the early 1980s, Naresh Nagrecha and Vish Vekaria saw an opportunity to bring the delicious exotic fruit drinks of their native lands to the UK. The two friends left their secure jobs with a global soft drink company to create bold new exotic juice drinks in their humble kitchen lab.

They named their company Rubicon which represents the founders’ desire to take a chance, as a young Julius Caesar on the verge of crossing the Rubicon River and creating his Roman Empire. Naresh and Vish were keen to cross over from the familiar into the unknown, and reap the rewards of successfully completing their journey. Since the creation of its first wildly successful drink, Passionade, Rubicon has become the market leader in exotic juice drinks. Through it all, Rubicon’s drink formulations have stayed the same, so you can always enjoy the same delightful Rubicon experience wherever and whenever you want.

Showing the single result

  • Rubicon Pomegranate Classic

    UGX 20,000

    An exotic superfruit with centuries of celebrity status across many cultures, the pomegranate refreshes you with a delightful, slightly tart sweetness that ends on a rich, satisfying dry note. To give you the perfect pomegranate juice drink, we use a hand-picked Turkish variety, regarded as the best in the world.

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